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Our Lady’s messages to us
through St. Juan Diego in the Aztec Empire in December 1531

“Know for sure, my dearest and littlest son that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God, through whom everything lives, the Lord of all things, who is Master of Heaven and Earth.  I ardently desire a temple be built here for me where I will show and offer all my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to the people.  I am your merciful Mother, the Mother of all who live united in this land, and of all mankind, of all those who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who have confidence in me.

Do not be troubled or weighed down with grief.  Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain.  Am I not here who am your Mother?  Are you not under my shadow and protection?  Am I not your fountain of life?  Are you not in the folds of my mantle?  In the crossing of my arms?  Is there anything else you need?”

Our Lady’s messages to us
through Kenneth Staloch near Seattle in 1990–1992

“I want to continue the mission I began in 1531.  I must be free to meet and turn all hearts in the Americas toward my Divine Son.  I must be free to move among my children at will.  All of you must be my means of release and the means of my movement throughout the Americas.  I will melt your hearts with my motherly heart filled with love for you.  I want you to give all your prayers, works, joys and sufferings with me, in me, through me and for me so that I may lead you safely to my Son Jesus.

My image is a continuing invitation to give yourselves to me so I may do with you what I have planned in bringing my children of all the Americas and the whole world to my Son Jesus through my Immaculate Heart.  You see with your own eyes, your Mother, Your Lady of Guadalupe.  I want all my children to see me.

Together, my dear children, we will end the horrible evil of abortion.  I will help you stop all abortions.  There will be no exceptions.  Together we will bring about a new era of protecting all human life, that is, each person, from conception to natural death.

The special purpose I came to fulfill started over 460 years ago.  From formerly worshipping the serpent-god, millions converted to the Catholic Church instituted by my Divine Son, Jesus Christ.  During those early years the terrible practice of human sacrifice ended. 

You are in great need of my motherly love and protection.  You and your home, the Americas, are being destroyed by pagan practices.  Also, confusion is found even among you who want to lead good lives; even among you who search for me, the Mother of God.  The distractions multiply.  Please return to me, Your Lady of Guadalupe, with your whole heart and the gift of your hands for my work.”

Note: 1. Our Lady’s full messages in 1531 and 1990-1992 will soon be available at www.marys-touch.com.

2. The Original Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was not made by any humans but was created by God as a living Image of Our Lady for our benefit. The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which the Mexican Cardinals and Bishops gladly donated to the US Catholics in 1991, is an exact photographic copy of the Original Image (taken by the NASA). According to Our Lady’s request, this Missionary Image began visiting the whole United States and several other countries from 1991. On August 15, 1991, the Missionary Image was at the Grotto in Portland, Oregon. Soon, it was found that one photograph of this Image taken by a layman at the Grotto on that day unexpectedly had several new, very important images on it.  Since then, this photograph has been called “The Special Photograph of Our Lady of Guadalupe,” and, on July 3, 2014, Archbishop Alexander K. Sample of Portland approved its distribution.  This Special Photograph is relatively easy to distribute to many individuals. Using this photograph as her tool, Our Lady helps us to keep and cherish this photograph, which is a precious gift from God, so that we can be closer to her, our Mother and Queen, and become truly faithful children of her Divine Son and Our Savior.

─ Mary’s Touch By Mail,   2/22/2017

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