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A priest in South Africa works hard to promote Our Lady’s messages

January 5, 2000

Beloved in Christ,

Happy New Year and compliments of the season. As we begin the 3rd millennium, I ask the good Lord to renew your strength.

Some time ago, I promised to send you a report on what I am doing here in order to promote the Marian messages to Julia. I am doing it from personal conviction that the messages of love which God is offering to everyone of us at this time through our Mother Mary via Julia is proper to our time. Secondly, the miraculous phenomena (Sacred hosts descending, statue shedding tears and tears of blood, Sacred host turning into visible flesh, etc.) provide solid backing to the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist. Granted that we must not crave for signs and miracles, we must, however, be grateful to God when he decides to give some signs.

From the video: "Mary draws us to the Eucharist," the book on Messages of love and other materials which you freely sent to me, I worked out series of talks on the Eucharist and Reconciliation. I give the talks and show the film "Mary draws us to the Eucharist." I gave the talk and showed the film once to my parishioners and since then I have been receiving invitations from parishes far and near requesting me to come and talk on the Eucharist and show them the film. The feedback I have been receiving from such talks has been fantastic. In some places, I noticed some people going to the Blessed Sacrament to adore immediately after the talks. Some come right away to me to ask for confessions. Personally, I observed some people shedding tears as I give some of the messages of love. I interpret some of those tears as tears of repentance. As St. Paul would say, the grace of God has not been in vain as I go round the parishes to talk to the people about the messages of love which God is giving in our time.

In October, I talked to over 150 young people who gathered for vocation rally in our pastoral region. On the 6th/12/1999, I talked to over 750 members of the Sacred Heart of Jesus solidarity and showed them the film "Mary draws us to the Eucharist." On the 13/12/1999, I talked to over 100 youth gathered for their annual bible quiz competition which I organised. The talk and the film made a deep impression on them. My prayer is that God will draw many more people to the Eucharist and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A German visitor who listened to my talk on the Eucharist came to me and said a few encouraging words. Could you send me the address of the person in charge of organising the pilgrimage to Naju.

Be assured of my prayerful support. Wishing you the best in this new year.

Yours in JMJ,

Fr. Godwin Nnadozie, MSP.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Mafikeng, North West Province
South Africa

—From Mary's Touch, March 2000 Newsletter

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