



1.    Her Immaculate Conception


2.    The Doctrine Buds into Full Flower


Quotations from the Popes, Councils, Fathers of the Church and other theologians, which

      are not identified in the book, come from the sources here listed.


The Doctrine Buds into Full Flower

Documents of Vatican II:  "Dogmatic Constitution of the Church" – Ch. VIII

St. Ephrem:  Carmina Nisibena

St. Peter Chrysologus:  Sermo 140, de Annuntiatione D. Mariae Virginis PL, 57, 235D

St. Maximus of Turin:  Homilia 5, Incipit dictum ante Natale Domini PL, 52, 576

St. Proclus:  Oratio 1 de Laudibus S. Mariae PL, 65, 683 B

St. Sophronius:  Oratio 2 in Sanctissimae Deiparae Annuntiationem PL, 87 (3), 3159; 3162

St. John Damascene:  Homilia 1 in Nativitatem Beatae Virginis Mariae No. 3 PG, 96, 674


St. Augustine:  De natura et gratia Cap. 36, No. 42, PL, 44, 267

St. Jerome:  Homily on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Epist. 9 inter suppositias, n. 5

      3t 9



3.    Mother of God


Pope Pius XII:  Fulgens Corona, in A.A.A., Vol. 45, 1953, p. 580

St. Augustine:  De peccat. meritis, 2, 48 (on Sin & Merit, a treatise which touches on the

      divine knowledge of the Infant Christ)

Newman:  Athanasius, Vol. 2, p. 169 Longmans, Green & Co. 1895

St. John Damascene:  De fide orthodoxa, lib. 2, cap. 12; PG, 95, 1029

Papyrus Leaf bearing the vocative Theotóke: Cf. C.H. Roberts' Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri, to be found in the John Ryland's Library, Vol. 3, Cambridge, 1939 n. 470

St. Cyril of Jerusalem:  Catecheses, 10, 19; PG, 33, 685

Eusebius:  De Vita Constantini, lib. 3, n. 43; G.C.S., 7, 95

Documents of Vatican II:  "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" – Ch. VIII

St. Cyril of Alexandria:  Contra Iulianum, lib. 8; PG, 76, 901

Patriarch John of Antioch:  Epistola ad Nestorium PG, 77, 4455

Uprising in cathedral at Constantinople: cf. Studies in Church History Rev. Reuben Parsons,

      D.D. Vol. 1, Ch.26

St. Cyril's Reply to Nestorius:  Epistolae ad Nestorium

Scriptural texts not identified in Mother of God:  Lk. 7:14; Mt. 9:28; In. 10:30; Jn. 14:28

Pope St. Leo the Great:  Sermon 7 on the Nativity of the Lord, Roman Breviary, Lesson 6 in

      Matins for Octave of Christmas

Council of Ephesus:  cf.  Reuben Parsons:  Studies in Church History Vol. I, Ch. 26 Also:

      Mansi IV, V, and Hardoin I 



4.    God Became a Baby


Scriptural Prophecies:  Mic. 5:2; Dan. 9:24-25; Num. 24: 17 (Balaam)

Presentation of Mary in Temple:  November 21, in the Liturgy. 

Cf. St. John Damascene's De fiden orthodoxa from which the Roman Breviary took its Matins lesson on the feast of Mary's Presentation, November 21

In the East the feast is kept as a public holiday and goes by the name of "The Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple."  St. John Damascene: "Mary first saw the light of day in the house of Joachim near the Probatica, and was brought to the Temple.  Like a flower planted in the House of God, nurtured by the Holy Spirit, like a fruitful olive tree, she became the abode of all virtues."



5.    This Mother Remained a Virgin


Apostolic Tradition by Hippolytus (c. 215)

Scriptural texts in which Jacob, Jonah, Hannah and David made their vows:  Gen. 28:20-

      22; Jon. 2:9; I Sam. I:11; Ps. 132(131): I-5

The Greek phrase Ho unios tes Marias literally means "That son of this Mary", indicating

      an only son.

St. Gregory of Nyssa in his Life of St. Gregory the Wonderworker relates the Marian

      visions of the latter.  Henri Daniel-Rops compares these apparitions to those of Lourdes,

      LaSalette and Fatima



6.    The Virgin Birth


Pope St. Leo the Great:  Sermon 2 On the Birth of Christ; Roman Breviary; Lesson 6 for

      Matins, feast of Mary's Divine Maternity, October II

St. John Chrysostom:  In Natalie Christi dieu; PG, 56, 367-393

Pope St. Gregory I:  Homily 26 on the Gospels; Roman Breviary, Lesson 7 for Matins, Low


St. Ephrem:  Explanatio evangeli concordantis, cap. 21, n. 2; C.S.C.O., Vol. 137, 312

      (Armenian) Latin: Vol. 145, 223

St. Ambrose & Synod of Milan:  In Migne, PL, 16, 1174 (ed. 1886) 5-6

St. Ambrose:  De virginibus ad Marcellam: PL, 16, 187-232

St. Augustine:  Sermon 18 on the Saints – Roman Breviary, Lesson 4 for Matins on feast of

      Mary's Nativity, Sept. 8

St. Peter Chrysologus:  Sermon 145; PL, 52, 589

Newman:  Difficulties of Anglicans, Vol. 2 Lecture XIII (Tribute to the Fathers)

St. Leo:  The Tome Cf. The Fathers of the Church, Christian Heritage, Inc. New York 1957,

      Vol. 2 "St. Leo the Great" Letter 28 pp. 92-105

Dogmatic Definition at Lateran Council in 649: D.B., 256, Palmer, pp. 31-32

Pope Paul IV:  Apostolic Constitution Cum quorumdam, Aug. 7, 1555 (on Mary's Perpetual


St. Augustine:  Sermon 186 on Mary's Perpetual Virginity



7.    St. Mary of the Angels


Supplementary Reading – "Mary's Death and Bodily Assumption" by Lawrence P. Everett,

      C.SS.R., from MARIOLOGY Vol. 2 Bruce 1957

St. Epiphanius:  Panarion, haereses 78, nn. 10-11; G.C.S., 37, 461-462

Pope Pius XII:  Apostolic Constitution, Munificentissimus Deus, A.A.S., Vol. 42, 1950 p.


Newman's Quotation from Meditations and Devotions, Longmans, Green and Co. p. 62


St. Isidor:  De oru et obitu Patrum, 67, PL, 83, 150

Documents of Vatican II:  "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" Ch. 2, Section 12

Quotation from Time magazine:  December 14, 1953 issue Religion: Urbi et Orbi



8.    Her Assumption Befits the Mother of God


Confer:  "Assumption of Mary:  Tradition in England" by Lawrence Everett, C.SS.R., from

      The Wanderer, Aug. 14, 1973

Also:  St. Anthony of Padua (appendix) by Père Leopold de Cherance

      English translation by Father Marianus, O.S.F.C.

      R & T Washbourne, London 1898 Second Edition

Newman's quotation from "Memorandum on the Immaculate Conception" from

      Meditations and Devotions

Second quotation from The Development of Christian Doctrine Ch. X Section I Longmans, Green and Company, 1894, Page 415

St. Modestus:  Encomium, n. 5, PG, 86, 3289 (Whether the writings commonly attributed

      to St. Modestus are really his, or, as some scholars think, an anonymous writer's whom

      they call Pseudo-Modestus, they anyhow attest to the doctrine)

St. Justine Martyr:  Dialogue with Trypho – The Fathers of the Church, Christian Heritage,

      Inc. New York 1948

St. Jerome:  In Mal. 4:5-6 (commentary on Prophet Malachi)

Joseph – Man Closest to Jesus by Father Francis Filas



9.    A Special Witness to the Assumption


Confer:  St. Anthony of Padua by Père Leopold Cherance, O.S.F.C.

English translator:  Father Marianus, O.S.F.C. R & T Washbourne, London, 1898 This is Second Edition.

An adaptation from the Latin Life of St. Anthony by Archbishop John Peckham of Canterbury.

The Chronicler who praised John of Peckham:  Glassberger, a 15th century writer. 

      Chronicle Analecta Franciscana, t, II., p. 91

Pope Pius XII:  Apostolic Constitution:  Munificentissimus Deus Nov. 1, 1950

Quotation of Pope Pius, "A remarkable theologian in dogmatic investigations" to be found

      in Litt. Apost., Exulta, Lusitania felix  Jan. 16, 1946 A.A.S., 38



10.  Our Lady of Grace Designs a Medal


Supplementary Reading:  "The Lady of the Miraculous Medal" by Rev. Joseph I. Dirvin,

      C.M., from A Woman Clothed with the Sun Image/Doubleday, New York 

Colonel James K. Gaynor's quotation from his article "Remembrance of Paris" in QUEEN

      magazine, November-December, 1972



11.  Mediatrix of Grace


Quotation from Pope St. Damasus – D.B. 74 sq.

Pope Pius IX:  Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus, Dec. 8, 1854

Second quotation of Pius IX:  Encyclical Ubi primum, Febr. 2, 1849

Newman:  Development of Christian Doctrine, Ch. X Sect. I #4

Pope Leo XIII:  Encyclical Supremi Apostatus, Sept. 1, 1883

Second quotation from Pope Leo:  Jucunda semper, Sept. 8, 1894

Third quotation from Pope Leo:  Adjutricem populi, Sept. 5, 1895

Fourth quotation from Pope Leo:  Octobri mense, Sept. 22, 1891

St. Cyril of Alexandria:  Homilae diversae 4, PG, 77, 992

St. Ephrem:  Sermon 4 on Mother of God

St. Ambrose:  Letter 49, to Sabinus & Letter 63, to Church at Vercelli

St. Germaine:  Hom: in S. Mariae zonam; PG, 989, 377

St. Bernard:  Hom:  in nativitate B.V.M., 183, 441

St. Bernardine of Siena:  Sermo 5 de nativitate B.M.V.

Pope Leo XIII quotes St. Bernardine in Jucunda semper, Sept. 8, 1894

Pope Pius X:  Ad diem illum, Febr. 2, 1904

Pope Pius XI:  in an allocution on Aug. 15, 1933 was repeating Pius X "Although grace

      comes from God, it is given through Mary"

Pope Benedict XV:  Inter sodalicia, May 22, 1918

Pope Pius XI:  radio address on April 28, 1935, in which he calls Mary Coredemptrix. 

      Reported in L'Osservatore Romano, April 28, 1935

Pope Benedict XV:  allocution, April 6, 1919, in which he said that the miraculous cure of

      Theresa Belin must be attributed to both St. Joan of Arc and the Virgin Mary

Pope Pius XI in the encyclical In gravescentibus malis, Sept. 29, 1937, attributed his cure

      to both St. Therese of the Child Jesus and Mary the Mediatrix of Grace

Pope Leo XIII:  encyclical Octobri mense, Sept. 22, 1891:  "Nothing at all from the

      immense treasury of all grace, which the Lord has accumulated, comes to us except

      through Mary."

Pope Pius XII:  encyclical Mystici corporis, June 29, 1943

      Of interest is the Prayer after Communion in the Mass for the feast of Our Lady of

      Sorrows, Sept. 15:  "As we honor the compassionate love of the Virgin Mary, may we

      make up in our own lives whatever is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the good of

      the Church."  The Prayer agrees with St. Paul:  ". . . in my flesh I complete what is

      lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the Church" (Col. 1:24). 



12.  The Blessed Mother of Us All


Documents of Vatican II – "Dogmatic Constitution of the Church" Ch. 8, Section 3

St. Augustine:  Treatise on the Creed (addressed to catechumen) Book 3, Ch. 4 (Contrast between Eve and Mary)

Pope Leo XIII:  Encyclical Octobri mense, Sept. 22, 1891

Pope Pius XI:  Encyclical Rerum Ecclesiae, Febr. 28, 1926

Pope Pius XII:  Allocution, April 21, 1940 "Mary holds the key to God's heart."

Pope Pius VI:  quotation from his bookilet of prayers

Pope Leo XIII:  Encyclical Quamquam pluries, Aug. 15, 1889

Pope Pius X:  Encyclical Ad diem illum, Febr. 2, 1904

Pope Pius XII:  Mystici corporis, June 29, 1943

Pope Paul VI:  report of his concelebrated Mass the day he declared Mary the Mother of the Church to be found in L'Osservatore Romano, Nov. 22, 1964

Documents of Vatican II:  Chapter 8 "Dogmatic Constitution of the Church" Section 5

Pope Pius X:  Encyclical Ad diem illum, Febr. 2, 1904



13.  Our Lady of Victory


Confer:  "The Albigensian Attack" from The Great Heresies by Hilaire Belloc, Sheed &

      Ward 1933

"The Battle of Lepanto" from History of the Popes by Ludwig von Pastor Vol. 18, Ch. 10,

      B. Herder Book Co., 1929, St. Louis, Mo., Catholic Encyclopedia: Vol. XV "Vienna"

      by Joseph Lins

"Our Lady, Help of Christians" by Stephen Oraze, DIVINE LOVE magazine, July-

      September 1964

The Conquering March of Don John Bosco by Eddie Doherty



14.  Help of Christians and Non-Christians


Cf. Studies in Church History:  Vol. V, Part I, Chapter I, by Rev. Reuben Parsons, D.D., Fr.

      Pustet & Co. 1898, New York

Napoleon  Chapter VII by Hilaire Bellec/Cassell & Co., London, Toronto, Melbourne and


"A Pilgrimage to the War" & "Coadaists Open Forbidden Gates of Holy See" by John M.

      Haffert SOUL magazine May-June 1974

Pope Leo XIII spoke of Mary's unifying force in his encyclical Adjutricem populi, Sept. 5,


Pope Paul VI spoke to the same effect during a noonday talk at St. Peter's Square, Sunday,

      Jan. 19, 1964.  It was during the Church Unity Octave



15.  Our Lady of Guadalupe


Cf. Immaculata, a handbook on Guadalupe Franciscan Marytown Press, Kenosha, WI 




16.  Our Lady Does a Pictograph


Cf.  DIVINE LOVE magazine, issues number 13 (1960) & number 45 (1969).  Articles by

      Coley Taylor, co-author of The Dark Virgin



17.  The Picture That Outwits Science


Cf.  The Marian Era, Vol. 6  Article:  "The Portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe" by Velma

      Clyde Franciscan Herald Press 1965

      JESUIT magazine, New York Edition, Summer 1970 Article:  "The Mystery in Our

      Lady's Eyes" by James T. Meehan, S.J. 



18.  An Angel Anticipates Our Lady of Fatima


Cf. Epilogue of Our Lady of Fatima by Wm. Thomas Walsh Image/Doubleday

St. Thomas Aquinas:  "When the Sacrament is divided, Christ remains entire in each

      particle."  From Sermon 57, to be found in Lesson 5 for Matins of Corpus Christi, in the

      Roman Breviary.

Hymn in which Michael the Archangel is called the Angel of Peace begins "Christe,

      sanctorum".  The author is probably Rabanus Maurus (776-856)



19.  Our Lady Speaks for Herself


Lucia's description of her Vision ": .  if I could paint") was written under obedience to

      Bishop José da Silva in 1937.  Quoted in Our Lady of Light by Canon C. Carthas and

      Father Gonzaga da Fonseca, S.J. Bruce Publishing Company 1947

Lucia corrected mistaken notion that Amelia died as a child, to Father Thomas McGlynn,

      O.P., who was interviewing her.  This is mentioned in "The Lady of the Rosary" by

      Msgr. William C. McGrath, from the book A Woman Clothed with the Sun

      Image/Doubleday 1961

St. Bernard:  quotation from sermon of the Twelve Stars, Roman Breviary, Matins for feast

      of Seven Dolors, Sept. 15 Lesson 6



20.  The Sun Acclaims Our Lady of Fatima


Cf. Miracles, Chapter 2, by Jean Hallé.  Its English translation by Lancelot C. Shephard. 

      David McKay Company, Inc., N.Y. 1952



21.  The Church Thanks God for Fatima


St. Bernardine's quotation from Sermon 9, on the Visitation.  Cf. Roman Breviary, lesson 6

      for Matins on the feast of the Immaculate Heart (old date, Aug. 22)

"What Happened to the 1960 Secret?" forms the title of the address which Alfredo Cardinal

      Ottaviani delivered at Rome, Febr. 11, 1967, at a meeting to prepare for Fatima's

      Golden Jubilee three months later.  The International Pontifical Marian Academy had

      the address, which had been recorded on magnetic tape, translated into English and

      circulated.  His Eminence was at the time the Prefect of the Congregation of the

      Doctrine of the Faith.



22.  The Grieving Madonna


Cf. Notre Dame de Chartres by Emile Males, Paris 1948 Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres

      by Henry Adams


      The Woman Shall Conquer, Chapter 4, by Don Sharkey

      The Bonaventure quotation comes from Chapter 13 of his Life of St. Francis

      Information on the weeping statue in New Orleans taken from National Catholic

      Register, Aug. 6, 1972



23.  Our Lady of Hope


Cf. Miracles, Chapter 2, by Jean Hallé Translated by Lancelot C. Shephard David McKay

      Company, Inc. New York 1952

The Woman Shall Conquer, Chapter 10, by Don Sharkey Bruce 1954

Article:  "Centenary of Pontmain" by Francis de Sales Ryan, Fatima International, Mar. 2,


Monsignor McGrath's quotation occurs in his Foreword to William Thomas Walsh's Our

      Lady of Fatima.  Image/Doubleday Garden City, N.Y. 1954



24.  Marian Apparitions Honor the Faith


Sister Maria of the Sorrows (Lucia) wrote about her later apparitions in the 1920's and

      1930's, apparitions of Our Lord as well as of Our Lady, under obedience.  Her report is

      to be found in Memörias e Cartas Irmä Lücia, edited by P. Antonion Maria Martins, S.S.

      Porto 1973 Sister Maria acted under the advice of her confessor, P. José Bernardo

      Gonsalves, S.J.

Pope Pius XII:  Encyclical Haurietis aquas, May 15, 1956 ("You shall draw waters with

      joy out of the Savior's fountains"  Is. 12:3)



25.  Miracles Certify the Marian Apparitions


Bomb at Guadalupe shrine: cf. Immaculata: A Handbook on Guadalupe Ch. 20 Edited by

      Franciscan Marytown Press, Kenosha, Wisconsin

Sculptor who did the statue of Our Lady of Fatima: cf. Our Lady of Fatima by William

      Thomas Walsh, Image/Doubleday 1954

Poem by Sister Mary Francis:  "Conspiracy: Marian Year" The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y.



26.  All for God through Mary's Touch By Mail


Newman quotation from Anglican Difficulties Vol. I Lecture X Longmans, Green and Co. London 1918

Cf. True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Louis de Montfort Published by

      Montfort Fathers, Translator: Fr. Frederick William Faber

For Heed apparitions see Chapter 14 of The Last World War and the End of Time by

      Emmett Culligan.  Culligan Book Company, San Bernardino, Ca. 1966






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